We've been gathering men for good beverages, food, and cigars to hear a veteran of life's battles share: "What most consequential advice would you give to your younger self?" Pour yourself a beverage, pull a chair around the fire with us, and listen to Dave Vacheresse's inspiring story and message.
This week’s Gospel: "But who do you say that I am?" (Mark 8:27-35)
Check out consequential news stories from The Loop (https://join.catholicvote.org/43908073/)
Be challenged. Be encouraged. Be blessed.
Fr. John and team invite us to join the 14-day Rescue Project Challenge beginning September 14. IN SEARCH OF MEN willing to respond to the call to be more than merely religious consumers but multipliers. Beginning in September 19 we’re hosting a 9-week series on Thursdays, 6:45-9P for men in our homes using Fr. John Riccardo’s “Rescue Mission” series. Think of a man you know who needs plugging into the faith. Invite him to join you. REGISTER
OUR MISSION: We're uniting families in building the Kingdom. Over the past ten years, thousands have been blessed by a "family roadmap." We've been united in gathering in our respective homes every week to talk and pray using a fun, meaningful "Live IT Gathering Guide" based on subsequent Sunday readings. Get your free LIT Guide at ILoveMyFamily.us or the Live IT App at http://MassImpact.us/APP.
We would be so grateful for your prayers, engagement, and Partnership.
GO: http://MassImpact.us/PARTNER
We are a full-time missionary movement 100% dependent upon your prayers and financial partnership.
BUY GREG'S BOOK or AUDIO HERE https://amzn.to/3KIX87x "The Magnificent Piglets of Pigletsville: Our Present-Day Plight Wrapped in a Fairytale"
IF YOU'RE A CATHOLIC MAN interested in missioned friendships marked by the hearts of men united in striving to build the Kingdom. GO: http://Pentecost365.us
SUPPORT CATHOLIC BUSINESSES and leaders committed to professional excellence and building the Kingdom. GO: http://MassImpact.us/KINGDOM
Oh, Most Holy Spirit, come and IGNITE the Great FIRE of Your Love! Set it ABLAZE in our minds and hearts!
#Friendship #Mission #Catholic #Marriage #Family #ilovemyfamily #ThyKingdomCome #christian #home #faith #children #virtue #holiness #funny #inspiring #love #parents #happiness #heaven #politics #culture #Trump #Biden
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